Netrunner Rulings, v1.70

Netrunner Rulings, v1.70

The following is a list of rulings made regarding
Netrunner(R), the cyberpunk trading card game from Wizards
of the Coast, Inc., under license from R. Talsorian Games,
Inc.  This list is not published or endorsed by Wizards of
the Coast, Inc.  It is, however, the list of official
rulings used by the Top Runners' Conference, which sponsors
various NR events.

This list was compiled primarily from rulings made on the
Netrunner mailing list by representatives of Wizards of the
Coast, including Marc Schmalz ("Sparky!!"), JD Wiker, Wendy
Wallace, Charles Keith-Stanley, and Tom Wylie.  It also
includes rulings made by Skipper Pickle, (Netrunner Netrep
from 11/4/97 to 12/15/98). On 18-02-2000 Holger Janssen was
named TRC Rules Sensei. Netrunner-L generates the most
discussion and traffic on the game. You can subscribe to the
mailing list by sending the following command to

SUBSCRIBE NETRUNNER-L <your real name>

The first section of this document deals with general
rulings or common misconceptions.  The second and third
sections contain specific card rulings.

Cards are divided into Corporation and Runner cards and
alphabetized within each of those sections.  These are the
most current rulings as of 03/11/00.

This document may be copied and posted freely, as long as it
is reproduced intact and as long as it is not sold for
profit.  Updates to this document can be found online at

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and
clarity of these rulings, their accuracy is not guaranteed
and their clarity is yours to determine.

Holger Janssen


Deck Construction
   @The Runner deck must have a minimum of 45 cards (the v1.0
    Rulebook mistakenly says 40 cards).  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 4/29/96)

Central & Subsidiary Data Forts
   @Ice is installed *ON* a data fort.  Agenda, nodes, and
    upgrades are installed *IN* a data fort.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @A subsidiary data fort goes away if (and as soon as) there
    are no cards left in or on it.  So even one piece of Ice
    will cause the data fort to stick around indefinitely.  
    (Tom Wylie, Netrunner-L, 4/13/96)
   @Counters of any kind, including Virus counters, are not
    sufficient to maintain a subsidiary data fort. When the
    last card in or on the fort is removed, the fort
    collapses, period.  When that happens, the counters no
    longer exist.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @The deck of cards and the player's hand are considered to
    be 'stored' in R&D and HQ respectively; they are not
    installed cards and are immune to effects that target
    installed cards.  (Netrunner FAQ v1.0, 5/23/96)
   @Central data forts (HQ, R&D, and the Archives) always
    exist, even if there are no cards in them.  (Netrunner
    Rulebook, pp9-10; Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/30/96)

Ice & Icebreakers
   @When the Runner passes a piece of Ice, the Ice remains in
    play; it must be passed every time the Runner runs on
    the fort.  (Netrunner FAQ v1.0, 5/23/96)
   @When Ice is trashed, any Ice that is outside of it moves in
    to fill the vacuum left by its predecessor.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 4/19/96)
   @An Icebreaker that targets any of the Ice's keywords will
    work on that piece of Ice.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L,
   @If a piece of rezzed Ice is modified by some external
    effect, then derezzed, it will "remember" the
    modification if rezzed again.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 4/30/96)  If it is uninstalled, however,
    the modifications are "forgotten."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 
   @The Runner can break the subroutines on a piece of Ice in
    any order.  When the Runner has completed this process,
    the unbroken subroutines take effect in the order they
    are printed on the card.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L,
   @The strength of Ice and Icebreakers can be negative. 
    (Glenn Elliott, Netrunner-L, 5/9/96)
   @In general, you can only use an Icebreaker's abilities
    during an encounter with a piece of Ice, and that piece 
    of Ice must correspond to the type of subroutine that the 
    Icebreaker can break.  Any exceptions to this are noted 
    in the individual Icebreaker's card text.  (Skipper 
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 1/12/98) 
   @Any effect that duplicates the subroutines on a piece of
    Ice only duplicates subroutines generated by the text on 
    the card.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96; Tom Wylie, 
   @ Use the following procedure to compute the strength of a
     piece of ice when multiple effects can change it:
    1)(Approach) Corp: Apply any text written on the piece of
      ice which modifies its strength.
    2) Corp: Apply any other special effect which changes the
      strength of the ice. As always when multiple effects apply
      at the same time you choose the order of those effects.
    3)(Encounter) Runner: Apply effects which modify the strength
      of the encountered piece of ice.
    4) Runner: When you want to break any subroutines on this
      piece of ice increase the strength of your icebreaker if
      necessary. (Sensei 03/11/00)

   @The corp can successfully trace with an investment of zero
    bits.  After all, if trace and link are equal, the trace
    is successful.  If you don't have a link card out,
    you're stuck at a link of zero.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @You may only use one Base Link card per trace attempt.  You
    cannot use parts of two.  You can use as many other
    non-Base Link cards to increase your link as you like. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/30/96)
   @Both players have a right to know the number of bits in the
    other player's bit pool at any time (see "Public 
    Knowledge").  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 1/8/98)
   @You can use a Hidden Resource to pay for a trace.  You don't 
    have to reveal the Hidden Resource until each player has 
    revealed the amount he or she is spending.  Thus, you might 
    actually note an amount greater than the amount in your bit
    pool.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 1/8/98)

Taking Actions and Playing Cards
   @You cannot combine actions by playing a card that says make
    a run and gain some benefit at the same time that you use 
    an installed card's special effect to gain a different 
    benefit.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 4/26/96)
   @If a card tells you to make a run (or do anything else that
    normally requires an action), anything the card tells
    you to do is included in action of playing the card; you
    do not have to take an additional action to make that
    run, unless the card specifies otherwise.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 4/30/96)
   @Preps and Operations are assumed to be trashed before their
    effects occur.  This is the order 1) pay for the card
    and make all decisions; 2) put the card in the
    Trash/Archives; 3) execute the card instructions. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/27/96)

Stealth and Noise
   @You do not have to have Stealth cards in play in order to
    use Noisy cards.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 4/26/96)

Card Effects
   @Either player can use special effects during the same times
    the Corp can rez cards.  However,if the effect requires
    a cost of one or more actions, it can only be used
    during that player's turn.  (Netrunner FAQ v1.0,
   @If the Corp and the Runner can both perform functions (the
    Corp rezzing a card, or the Runner using a card effect,
    for example) at the same time, the Runner always gets
    the first opportunity to perform any functions he or she
    likes, and then the Corp performs any of its functions. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @If a player has multiple effects to process at any given
    time (e.g., start of turn, end of turn, start of run,
    end of run), that player chooses the order in which the
    effects are processed.  Thus the Corp could rez a
    Holovid Campaign at the start of his or her turn, then
    gain a bit from that Holovid Campaign at the start of
    that turn.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @When card effect A prohibits an effect of type B, the
    blanket prohibition always takes precedence, and effect
    B does not happen (even if a card "forces" you to do
    it).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/10/96)
   @If an effect targets multiple cards, all decisions are made
    regarding those targets before the effect is resolved
    (e.g., if the Runner plays Hunt Club BBS, all of the
    cards to be exposed are chosen before they are exposed) 
    (Netrunner FAQ v1.0, 5/23/96)
   @If an effect generates multiple consequences, those
    consequences are processed in the order they appear on
    the card.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/11/96)

Trashing Cards
   @Only cards with a trash cost (nodes and upgrades) can be
    usually be trashed.  These are the cards with the
    trashcan in the lower right corner.  If you pay that
    number of bits, you can trash the card instead of
    watching it go right back to where you got it.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 4/18/96)
   @If a player's effect trashes a one or more of a particular
    card type, that player chooses which specific cards are
    trashed, unless the effect indicates otherwise.  For
    example, if an Ice subroutine trashes a program, the
    Corp chooses which program is trashed.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 4/26/96)  That player also chooses the
    order in which the cards are trashed.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/15/96)  In the case of an effect that
    trashes multiple cards, all of the cards are trashed
    (resolving the trashing effect), then the consequences
    of the trashing are dealt with.  (Netrunner FAQ v1.0,
   @When the Runner accesses a card, that card's effect, if
    any, takes effect before the Runner has an opportunity
    to trash it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)  When the
    Runner trashes cards in a fort, all of the trashing
    happens simultaneously; there is no "sequence" to the
    trashing that occurs at the end of a run.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/10/96)
   @If the Runner is tagged, the Corp may trash a Hidden
    Resource in the same way that it can trash any other 
    resource.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/18/96)
   @If the Runner manages to trash an installed agenda with
    advancement counters on it, those advancement counters
    are lost.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 12/23/96)

   @Anytime a Corp card that the Runner has seen goes to the
    Archives it goes to the face-up stack.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)  Any card that goes to the Archives
    that has not been seen by the Runner goes to the
    face-down pile.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/20/96)
   @No rearrangement of the Trash or Archives is allowed,
    except as specified by the rules or a card effect. 
    (Sparky!, Netrunner-L, 5/8/96)
   @The Corp may look through the Runner's trash at any time;
    the Runner may look through the face-up cards in the
    Corp's Archives at any time.  When players recover a
    card from respective discard piles, it is common
    courtesy to show the opponent which card they are
    retrieving.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)

Dealing & Taking Damage
   @Each subroutine is a separate source of damage.  For
    instance, if three subroutines on a single piece of Ice
    do 1 brain damage each, the Runner must take or prevent
    each 1 separately, rather than taking (or preventing) 3
    brain damage all at once.  (Sparky!, Netrunner-L,
   @Each source of damage must be dealt with separately and
    immediately.  Let's say you're using Blink to break
    through Cortical Scrub.  You roll a 3 attempting to
    break the "Do 1 brain damage" subroutine.  You must
    immediately deal with the 3 Net damage from Blink. 
    Assuming you survive, you then attempt to break the "End
    the run" subroutine.  You roll a 1; you take 1 Net
    damage from Blink.  Now you take the consequences of the
    unbroken subroutines 1 brain damage and an ended run.  
    (Sparky!, Netrunner-L, 5/14/96)
   @Cards that go to the trash as the result of damage are
    chosen randomly, and they go to the trash in the order
    in which they were randomly chosen.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/15/96)

   @You only check your hand size at the end of your turn.  If
    your hand size is reduced, you are not forced to
    automatically discard.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/8/96)
   @You only discard down to your maximum hand size at the end
    of your turn.  If your hand size becomes less than zero,
    but you still have cards in your hand, you have until
    the end of your turn to get your hand size up to zero,
    or you will flatline at the end of the turn.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @You cannot end your turn with more cards than allowed by
    your maximum hand size.  Although the automatic draw at
    the start of the Corp's turn is a start-of-turn effect,
    discarding isn't an end-of-turn effect, so it doesn't
    fit into timing.  It's just the last thing you do during
    your turn.  Check for a discard after all 'end of turn'
    effects.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)
   @ Hand size can be negative, but when it is negative, it is
    treated as 0 for all purposes except raising them back up
    again. So if a Corp gets really slammed with Gremlins, it
    has to do a lot of work (or forgo actions) to get its hand
    size above 0 again, but it doesn't lose. (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)
    The same applies to the Runner though he has to survive
    flatlining at the end of his turn because he has to discard
    more cards than he can. (Sensei 03/11/00)

Viruses & Forgoing Actions
   @Virus counters are given only after a successful run is
    completed.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/9/96)
   @As soon as the Corp declares three actions forgone, all
    Virus counters given to the Corp are removed.  (Charles
    Keith-Stanley, Netrunner-L, 5/3/96)
   @The Corp's mandatory draw is NOT an action.  The Corp still
    draws a card at the beginning of each Corp turn, even if
    the Corp has foregone all of the actions for that turn. 
    (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/23/96)
   @Virus counters remain in play even if the program that gave
    them is uninstalled.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @You can remove virus counters (and be forced to forgo your
    next three actions) any time you can rez a card. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/17/96)
   @Forgoing actions to remove virus counters is cumulative 
    if you forgo your next three actions to remove viruses,
    and forgo another three before you've paid the penalty
    for the first removal, you will forgo six consecutive
    actions.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/3/96)
   @If the player is forced to forgo actions, actions dedicated
    to a specific purpose (e.g., Wilson, Weeflerunner
    Apprentice) can be used to fulfill the penalty. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/12/96)

Cumulative Effects
   @Unless the card text indicates otherwise, a card referring
    to itself (e.g., Broker) refers only to that specific
    card, not to the other versions of that card that are
    also in play.  (Sparky!, Netrunner-L, 5/6/96)

Gaining Actions
   @You can only take actions during your own turn.  (Sparky!,
    Netrunner-L, 5/7/96)  Neither player can use effects to
    gain actions during the other player's turn.  (Netrunner 
    FAQ v1.0, 5/23/96)
   @When an effect gives you an extra action, you gain that
    action immediately, even if you gained the action as a
    result of rezzing something after the last action of
    your turn.  (Sparky!, Netrunner-L, 5/9/96)
   @When a card states that you will get an extra action per
    turn, you must declare when you use it.  If the card is
    trashed during the Corp's turn and the Corp has not
    declared that it had used the extra action, the extra
    action is lost.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/26/96)
   @You must use all of your actions, if possible.  You may 
    not gain an action that you can neither use nor forgo,
    unless a card's text says otherwise.  (Skipper Pickle, 
    Netrunner-L, 10/14/98)

Paying Costs
   @You cannot spend resources you don't have.  If you have 0
    agenda points, and you are required to spend 1 or more
    agenda points to activate an effect, you cannot activate
    the effect; another good example of this is South
    African Mining Corp, which requires you to spend 3
    actions to gain 6 bits  if you don't have 3 actions
    immediately available to you, you can't gain the 6 bits.
    (Sparky!, Netrunner-L, 5/8/96)

Accessing Cards
   @Unless a node specifically says otherwise, if it is
    installed, it must be rezzed in order to take effect. 
    Of all the nodes and upgrades in v1.0 and Proteus, only
    Virus Test Site has any effect when the Runner accesses
    it while it is both installed AND unrezzed (it does
    1--and only 1--Net damage to the Runner, regardless of
    the number of advancement counters on it).  (Sparky!,
    Netrunner-L, 5/13/96)
   @The Runner chooses the order in which he or she will access
    cards, including any draws or face-down cards as well. 
    That's the order in which they affect the Runner.  If
    the Runner survives accessing all the cards there, the
    Runner can then score agenda and pay to trash nodes and
    upgrades.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/12/96)  The effect of
    each accessed card must be dealt with separately and
    immediately, before accessing the next card.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)
   @If you are accessing multiple cards from HQ, you can choose
    the order in which you take picks, and intermingle them
    with accessing upgrades as you wish.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)
   @If you are accessing multiple cards from R&D, you can
    choose the order in which you take draws from the top of
    R&D, and intermingle them with accessing upgrades as you
    wish; you cannot alter the order in which you draw cards
    from the top of R&D.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)
   @If you are accessing cards from the Archives, you take all
    the cards in the face-down pile and put them in the
    face-up pile, then access them one at a time, working
    down the pile.  You can intermingle accessing cards in
    the Archives with with accessing upgrades as you wish. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)
   @When the Runner accesses cards stored in HQ, the Corp 
    always has the right to know which cards were accessed.
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 11/11/97)

Advancing Cards & Scoring Agenda
   @An agenda must be installed before it can be scored, even
    if it has an effective difficulty of 0.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @It is legal to advance an agenda beyond its difficulty. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/12/96)
   @"Advancing a card" is spending an action and a bit to add
    an advancement counter to one of your installed cards 
    that can be advanced.  "Advancing a card" is simply one 
    of several methods of adding an advancement counters to a 
    card.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/12/96)
   @Unless a card effect prevents it, the Runner must score any
    agenda accessed; if an additional cost must be paid and
    the Runner does not pay it, the agenda is not scored and
    returns to the fort from which it was accessed. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Installing Programs
   @Once a program is installed in one location, you cannot
    voluntarily move it around to another location (e.g., a
    program installed in regular MU cannot be moved to a
    Daemon without removing the program from play first). 
    (Netrunner FAQ v1.0, 5/23/96)
   @MU will never prohibit you from installing a program, but
    sometimes you'll have to trash something else in play to 
    do so.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/17/96)

Prevention Effects
   @A prevention effect essentially occurs "before" the effect
    it is preventing.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/17/96)
   @You can't use prevention effects unless you have something
    to prevent (e.g., Emergency Self-Construct can only be
    triggered when you flatline)  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
    7/10/96)  Any prevention effect on a card is also a
    condition of play for that card.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @If you prevent a cost from being paid, you prevent that
    cost's effect from being played.  So, for instance, if
    you activate a Lockjaw by trashing it, but use Umbrella
    Policy to prevent the Lockjaw from being trashed, your
    Lockjaw will be saved and your Umbrella Policy will be
    gone, but you will not be able to give any icebreaker a
    benefit of +2 strength.  (Skipper Pickle,Netrunner-L, 

Making Runs and Jacking Out
   @Unless a card effect says otherwise, there is no
    opportunity for the Runner to jack out between the start
    of a run and the encounter with the first piece of Ice. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/22/96)

Voluntary Effects
   @You cannot reveal one of your own cards just because you
    want to do so.  You must have a reason--a card or game
    effect--to reveal it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/11/96)
   @You cannot voluntarily trash, or otherwise uninstall, an
    installed card unless a game effect specifically allows
    you to do so.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 11/4/97)
Public Knowledge
   @Players have a right to know following information about 
    their opponents at any time  the number of bits in the 
    opponent's bit pool, the number of cards in the opponent's 
    hand, the number of cards remaining in the opponent's draw 
    pile, the number of cards in the opponent's discard pile, 
    the number of tokens/counters on any card that implements 
    tokens/counters.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/18/98)
   @The Runner knows the following about face-down cards in
    a subsidiary data fort  how many cards are in the fort,
    how many advancement counters are on each card, and what
    order the cards went into the fort; thus, if the Runner
    played Hunt Club BBS, the Corp would not be allowed to
    shuffle cards around inside a single data fort.  This
    prevents having advancement counters end up on a card
    that didn't previously have them, which would be
    "unsportsmanlike conduct."  (Skipper Pickle,
    Netrunner-L, 9/10/98)


   @Note that the card text explicitly breaks the rules by
    allowing you to rez this card in response to an action
    of the Runner's, namely using a worm.  (Official
    Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)
   @As with other "you cannot do this" effects, the Runner is
    flatly prohibited from using worms during runs on that
    fort, even if the worm would normally require the Runner
    to use it during that run.  (Official Netrunner Rulings,

AI Chief Financial Officer
   @Though the card text is not specific, you shuffle into R&D
    all of the cards stored in HQ and the Archives. 
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Artificial Security Directors
   @If the difficulty of an agenda is reduced to zero or less,
    it must still be installed to be scored.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @Scoring multiple Artificial Security Directors produces a
    cumulative effect (i.e., scoring two will reduce the
    difficulty of Black Ops agendas by 2).  (Sparky on
    Executive Extraction, Netrunner-L, 6/25/96)

Ball and Chain
   @If the Corp subsequently rezzes a piece of ice, and the
    Runner refuses to pay the 2 bits, the Runner is not
    affected by the subroutines on that piece of ice. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @You only encounter rezzed ice, so the decision on whether
    or not to pay is made after the Corp has rezzed the ice.
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)

Bizarre Encryption Scheme
   @ERRATA  Reword as follows "Bizarre Encryption Scheme may
    only be installed in a subsidiary data fort. Runner does
    not score any agenda (or agendas) that he or she
    accesses from this fort; return the agenda to the fort
    instead. Runner scores the agenda at the start of his or
    her next turn if it is still in the fort."  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @If you re-access Bizarre Encryption Scheme on a second run,
    the whole card text takes effect again and you can't
    score the agenda, but if you trash it, then run again,
    you can score the agenda.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Under the errata, if the agenda leaves a
    Bizarrely-Encrypted fort, Bizarre Encryption Scheme
    loses track of the agenda, and the Runner does not score
    it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/13/96)
   @An agenda scored at the beginning of the Runner's 
    turn in this way is considered neither stolen nor 
    accessed.  Thus, if the agenda is a Fetal AI, then, 
    at the beginning of the Runner's next turn, the 
    Runner will score the Fetal AI without any 
    obligations--no Net damage, no 2 bits to pay.  
    (Skipper Pickle, NR-L, 3/16/98)

Bug Zapper
   @If Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter Bug Zapper, the
    ice is not installed anywhere and therefore there is no
    ice "installed outside" it; Bug Zapper will do zero net
    damage.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

   @All rezzing bonuses and penalties are based on the card's
    keywords at the time the Corp rezzes it; rez it and then
    immediately change its keyword string.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/11/96)

Chester Mix
   @This ability reduces additional costs imposed on installing
    the ice, such as by Jenny Jett or Restrictive Net
    Zoning.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

City Surveillance
   @When Crash Everett, Inventive Fixer is in play, you must
    take a tag or pay [1] for the additional card you draw. 
    (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @When using Ronin Around, you don't have to pay because
    Ronin Around doesn't say draw.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @Yes, we may interrupt the Runner's action to rez City
    Surveillance (e.g., if the Runner plays Jack 'n' Joe, we
    may rez City Surveillance to force the Runner to either
    take three tags or pay three bits or any combination
    thereof).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/17/96)  The Runner
    cannot decide not to complete an action because City
    Surveillance is rezzed during that action.  (Netrunner
    FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)  If the Runner draws a card without
    announcing that action, the Corp can still respond by
    rezzing City Surveillance; "the fact that the Runner
    isn't being talkative doesn't allow him to get away with
    drawing without CS being rezzed.  (Tom Wylie via JD
    Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)"

Closed Accounts
   @The Runner only loses bits in his or her bit pool; bits
    stored on installed cards are not affected.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)

Corporate Detective Agency
   @If either one of the two resources is Time to Collect, the
    Runner can successfully use Time to Collect to prevent
    the trashing of the other resource.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)

Corporate Headhunters         
   @Note that while the first ability mimics brain damage, it 
    is not actually brain damage, so ignores effects that 
    would prevent, remove, or otherwise interact with brain 
    damage.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Corporate Negotiating Center
   @Multiple Corporate Negotiating Centers work independently
    of each other; process each one individually as a
    start-of-turn effect.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)

Corprunner's Shattered Remains
   @ERRATA  Should read, "When Runner accesses Shattered
    Remains, trash one piece...."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Cowboy Sysop
   @Cowboy Sysop can uninstall itself.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,

Credit Blocks
   @For notes on morphing ice, see Caryatid.

Crystal Palace Station Grid
   @Since a Runner can use Pile Driver to break "up to four"
    subroutines on a piece of ice, the Runner may choose to
    pay the extra bit only for those subroutines he or she
    wishes to break.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @Under Dropp's corrected wording (0 Break all
    subroutines...) the Runner cannot choose to break only
    some of the subroutines on a piece of ice.  The
    additional one-bit payment must be made for all or none
    of the subroutines.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Cybertech Think Tank
   @Though it is not explicit on the card, this ability is used
    after a source of meat damage is used, to increase the
    damage dealt by that source.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

Data Fort Reclamation
   @You may use additional bits from your bit pool to rez and
    install the cards.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/18/96)
   @Note that you are not gaining actions in order to construct
    the data fort, but simply constructing it as a result of
    scoring Data Fort Reclamation. So this card does not
    supply actions you can forgo in order to get rid of
    virus counters, for example.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

Data Masons
   @This ability applies to any means of rezzing a piece of
    ice, not just the standard way of doing so; apply the
    Data Masons modification before implementing the rezzing
    effect (e.g., with a Data Masons in play, Olivia Salazar
    would rez ice for (X-1)/2).  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)
   @While the number of bits you pay to rez a piece of ice is
    reduced, its actual rez cost is considered unchanged.
    Thus, Startup Immolator must pay the normal rez cost,
    Dr. Dreff isn't helped out by this ability, and so on. 
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Data Sifters
   @Note that this operation can be played regardless of how or
    why the Runner trashed the node(s).  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

   @If an effect (e.g., Rio de Janeiro City Grid) ends the run
    after the Runner has passed Datacomb but before the Corp
    deals with the "pay or uninstall" effect, the Corp does
    not have to deal with the effect.  (Tom Wylie via
    Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

   @Digiconda's strength can be modified by other effects, such
    as Antiquated Interface Routines.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Dog Pile
   @If Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter Dog Pile, the
    ice is not installed anywhere and therefore there is no
    ice "installed outside" it; Dog Pile will do zero net
    damage and will receive no bonuses to its strength from
    the number of layers of ice installed on the fort in
    which it is encountered.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Doppelganger Antibody
   @If Doppelganger Antibody has been installed and is accessed
    from a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it
    to take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate
    Speed Trap in response and escape its effects).  (Tom
    Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)
   @You can pay the 2 bits only once each time the Runner
    accesses Doppelganger Antibody.  (Sparky on Pattel
    Antibody, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
   @Doppelganger counters are not removed when the Corp forgoes
    actions to remove Virus counters.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
    10/2/96)  According to R&D, the Corp viruses aren't
    removed when the Corp forgoes actions because that text
    isn't on the Corp virus cards.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Dr. Dreff
   @ERRATA  Dr. Dreff should say "Whenever the Runner
    passes the last piece of ice on this fort or declares a
    run on it when it has no ice,...." rather than referring
    to "successful runs."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/9/96)
   @If the run is being made on a fort other than the one
    from which cards are to be accessed, Dreff may be used
    if he is installed in the fort on which the run is being
    made.  If Dreff were installed in the fort from which
    cards are to be accessed, he could not be used.  So if
    you want Dreff to defend you from Shredder Uplink
    Protocol, you need to install in him in the Archives;
    Dreff in HQ can't help you against Shredder.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/9/96)
   @If an effect can remove the ice from play before Dreff
    trashes the ice (e.g., Marionette), Dreff loses track of
    the ice and does not trash it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @When Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter ice, that 
    ice is not considered "rezzed" (e.g., the Corp could 
    not gain 3 bits by having Dreff force the Runner to
    encounter Misleading Access Menus).  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 2/25/97)
   @Ice played via Dr. Dreff is not actually installed
    anywhere, so there's no such thing as other ice being
    "outside" it; for instance, if Dreff forces the Runner
    to encounter a Mastermind, the Mastermind will do zero
    brain damage and have a strength of zero (unless it is
    some other ice-strength modifier is in play), regardless
    of how many layers of ice are installed on this fort. 
    (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)
   @The Runner never approaches the ice but goes straight to
    encountering it, so she doesn't have the chance to play
    abilities before the encounter.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)
   @If a card refers to the ice "on" the fort, it is 
    referring to ice installed on the fort.  Effects that 
    modify or target ice "on" a fort cannot modify or target 
    ice that Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter.  
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 11/11/97)
   @ The Sleepy Ice says '...the cost to rez is reduced by 5..'.
    Dr Dreff says ' half of that card rez cost...'. Since
    the rez cost is the number shown on top right of a card
    (as explained on pages 11-12 of the rulebook), and only
    that, rez cost differs from 'cost to rez' which means 'if
    you want to rez, do that'. With Dr Dreff, the ice is not
    rezzed (it is just encountered), so you don't trigger the
    reduction of rez cost.
    The Sleepy text just affects efforts to rez the Ice, not
    'pay bits equal to card's rez cost' in general.
    (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)
   @ You can dreff Dumpster on the archives because Dumpster's
    restriction is on 'installation' only, and Dr Dreff does
    not install the Ice.(Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

   @See Vortex for Rulings on Deflector Ice.

Edgerunner, Inc., Temps
   @The actions gained from Edgerunner, Inc., Temps may be
    forgone to remove Virus counters.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 12/19/96)

Emergency Rig
   @You can play a second Emergency Rig on a piece of ice that
    already has Kludge counters on it to extend the number
    of turns it can remain in play.  When the last Kludge
    counter is removed, each Rig's effect trashes the ice,
    so saving the ice would require using more than one
    prevention effect.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/18/97)
   @The Kludge counters stay on the ice even if it is derezzed.
    (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/25/97)
   @You can play Emergency Rig on a piece of non-Kludged ice
    that is already rezzed; the ice will be trashed when the
    last Kludge Counter is removed.  (Tom Wylie via JD
    Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/28/97)

Employee Empowerment
   @The additional draw provided by Employee Empowerment is a
    start-of-turn effect separate from the normal draw; the
    Corp can draw one card and look at it before deciding
    whether or not to draw another card.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 1/28/97)

Encoder, Inc.
   @See Data Masons for related rulings on effects that reduce
    rez costs.

   @See Vortex for rulings on deflector ice.

Euromarket Consortium
   @If a node that increases the Corp's hand size is trashed,
    the Corp's hand size is reduced immediately, but no
    discards are made until the end of the Corp's turn. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

Executive Boot Camp
   @You may not use the bits gained from Executive Boot Camp to
    pay for effects which must occur "at the start" of a run
    (e.g., Siren).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/14/97)

Executive Extraction
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

Experimental AI
   @ERRATA  Should read, "When Runner accesses Experimental
    AI, trash one program...."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Fetal AI
   @The Runner may choose not to pay the 2 bits and not steal
    Fetal AI; Fetal AI is still considered to be accessed. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Fortress Architects
   @See notes on Chester Mix.

   @For notes on morphing ice, see Caryatid.

Genetics-Visionary Acquisition
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

   @ Dr Dreff acts with a 'rez cost' and only that. The 'rez
    cost' is the number shown in the upper right corner of the
    card. The agenda point is not concerned, because it is
    written in the text (technically speaking, it is not a part
    of a rez cost : it is just something subsequent to the fact
    of rezzing Glacier). Therefore, the Corp doesn't pay the
    agenda point with Dr Dreff, because Dr Dreff doesn't rez the
    ice. (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)
   @ Security Purge says 'rez them, at no cost'. 'No cost'
    refers to the number in the upper right corner of a card.
    Security Purge doesn't let you get out of paying Glacier's
    agenda point cost.
    Note that Security Purge instructs you to install and rez
    the ice, which means you have to do so if possible. If there
    are additional costs to install + rez, and you can pay them,
    you have to install + rez and pay those costs. I.e, if
    you've scored any agenda, and Security Purge turns up
    Glacier, you have to install + rez Glacier, and therefore
    spend 1 of your agenda points.(Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

Government Contract
   @Bits gained from Government Contract cannot be used to 
    pay a cost noted as being "above the rez cost."  (Skipper 
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/14/98)
   @Since Dr. Dreff does not rez ice, you cannot use 
    Government Contract bits to pay for Dreffing ice.  
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/14/98)

Hacker Tracker Central
   @ERRATA  Should say "trace value," instead of "trace
    strength."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Haunting Inquisition
   @If the Runner somehow suffers the first subroutine more
    than once (for example, it was doubled by Ice
    Transmutation), the effects apply in parallel, not
    serially. For example, running into a transmuted
    Inquisition only affects the Runner's next six actions,
    not her next twelve.  (Official Netrunner Rulings,
   @The "six actions" to which Haunting Inquisition refers
    must consist of actions the Runner actually takes; they
    cannot be actions that were somehow gained but not 
    taken nor actions that have been forgone. (Skipper 
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 8/26/98)

Homing Missile
   @Homing Missile's strength can be modified by other effects,
    such as Antiquated Interface Routines.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/95)  Effects that modify Homing
    Missile's strength do not modify the trace limit. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/95)

Hunting Pack
   @If Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter Hunting Pack,
    the ice is not installed anywhere and therefore there is
    no ice "installed outside" it; Hunting Pack will not
    have any subroutines.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Ice Transmutation
   @If the Corporation scores Ice Transmutation and uses it on
    a piece of ice that is subsequently derezzed but not
    removed from play, the ice remembers that it was
    affected by Ice Transmutation.  If that same card is
    uninstalled or trashed and later replayed, it does not
    remember the change.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @This effect doubles all subroutines provided by the ice
    itself, even those that are generated after Ice
    Transmutation takes effect. It will not double
    subroutines provided by other abilities; for example,
    two Ice Transmutations don't double the subroutines the
    other Transmutation provides.  However, it will double
    subroutines that are not actually printed on the card;
    for instance, Ice Transmutation will repeat the
    subroutines generated by the card text on Minotaur (note
    that this is a reversal of a previous ruling).  (Official
    Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

   @The Corp may purchase as many subroutines as it wishes and
    can afford.    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/13/96)

Indiscriminate Response Team
   @ Indiscriminate Response Team is used after a successfull
    run has ended. So if Indiscriminate Response Team is trashed
    during the run it can no longer be used. (Sensei 03/11/00)

Investment Firm
   @You can put 2 bits on each Investment Firm for each bit
    that you choose not to add to your pool.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 12/18/96)
   @The bits may come from any source.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,
    12/19/96)  "Note that you don't spend bits to put bits
    on Investment Firm, but modify whatever effect is
    putting bits into your pool.  So restrictions on
    spending those bits don't apply.  Therefore, you can
    convert normally-specialized bits into Investment bits."
    (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/20/96)

Jack Attack
   @The Runner may no longer choose to jack out, but effects
    which end the run still work.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @As with any "you cannot do this" effect, this effect
    prohibits the Runner from jacking out at all, even
    through effects such as Smarteye or Speed Trap. 
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Jenny Jett
   @ERRATA  Jenny Jett should say "Whenever the Runner
    passes the last piece of ice on this fort or declares a
    run on it when it has no ice,..." rather than referring
    to "successful runs."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/9/96) 
   @If the run is being made on a fort other than the one
    from which cards are to be accessed, Jenny Jett may be
    used if she is installed in the fort on which the run is
    being made.  If Jenny were installed in the fort from
    which cards are to be accessed, she could not be used.
    So if you want Jenny to defend you from Shredder Uplink
    Protocol, you need to install in her in the Archives;
    Jenny in HQ can't help you against Shredder.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/9/96)
   @Since Jenny Jett "installs" ice, that ice is affected by
    effects which modify the normal cost(s) to install ice. 
    (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/24/97)

Jerusalem City Grid
   @See notes on Data Masons.
Lesley Major
   @ERRATA  Lesley Major should say "Use this ability only
    when Runner passes the last piece of ice on this fort or
    declares a run on it when it has no ice,...."  (Skipper
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 11/11/98)

Lesser Arcana
   @For notes on morphing ice, see Caryatid.

Lisa Blight
   @Cards are trashed face-down.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,

Management Shake-Up
   @Yes, you can add all of the advancement counters to the
    same card.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool;
    bits and advancement counters are not the same. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Marcel DeSoleil
   @Cards are trashed face-down.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,

Marine Arcology
   @In order to get the benefit of Marine Arcology, you must
    have two actions immediately available to you; actions
    must be consecutive and they must all be spent on the
    same turn.  (Sparky on South African Mining Corp,
    Netrunner-L, 5/16/96)

   @If an effect (e.g., Rio de Janeiro City Grid) ends the run
    after the Runner has passed Marionette but before the
    Corp deals with the "pay or uninstall" effect, the Corp
    does not have to deal with the effect.  (Tom Wylie via
    Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

   @If Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter Mastermind, the
    ice is not installed anywhere and therefore there is no
    ice "installed outside" it; Mastermind will do zero
    brain damage and will receive no bonuses to its strength
    from the number of layers of ice installed on the fort
    in which it is encountered.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

   @If Dr. Dreff forces the Runner to encounter Minotaur, the
    ice is not installed anywhere and therefore there is no
    ice "installed outside" it; Minotaur will not have any
    "*End the run" subroutines.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Namatoki Plaza
   @If Namatoki Plaza leaves play, deal with the effects
    immediately.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,
   @If this card is trashed, leaving the fort with too many
    nodes and/or agendas, the Corp chooses which of those
    cards are trashed.  (Official Netrunner Rulings,

Networked Center
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

New Galveston City Grid
   @When the Runner trashes multiple cards in a fort, all of
    them are trashed at the same time; thus, New Galveston
    City Grid still increases the cost of everything else
    being trashed.  The only benefit of sequential trashing
    is that the Runner can determine the order in which the
    cards hit the Archives.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/10/96)

Newsgroup Taunting
   @The Corp cannot rez Newsgroup Taunting at the start of a
    run; to force the Runner to pay the extra bit, Newsgroup
    Taunting must already be rezzed when the Runner declares
    the run.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/16/96)

Obfuscated Fortress
   @All bits that you spend during the run count against your
    limit, regardless of the source of those bits. 
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)
   @At the start of a run on an Obfuscated Fortress, the
    Runner may "announce" a number of bits greater than the
    amount currently in his or her bit pool.  During this
    run, the Runner may spend bits from sources other than
    the Runner's bit pool (e.g., he or she may use bits from
    Stealth sources or from Hidden resources).  When the run
    is complete, if the Runner did not spend all of the bits
    that were previously announced, Obfuscated Fortress will
    cause the Runner to lose only bits that are in his or
    her bit pool; bits on his or her installed cards cannot
    be lost in this manner.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 
   @Obfuscated Fortress generates a start-of-run effect that
    can be processed with other start-of-run effects. In the
    event that an Obfuscation takes place at the beginning
    of a run on a fort containing Obfuscated Fortress, and
    the run on that fort is then redirected (i.e., by
    Siren), then the Obfuscation remains in effect. 
    However, if the run continues on another fort that
    contains an Obfuscated Fortress (and it is still the
    start of the run), the Runner may redeclare the number
    of bits he or she will spend on the run, and the
    previous declaration is no longer in effect.  (Skipper
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/12/98)

Olivia Salazar
   @Olivia cannot rez ice that Dr. Dreff causes the Runner to
    encounter, since Olivia only affects "installed" ice. 
    (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 12/17/96)
   @Multiple Olivia Salazars would enable the Corp to rez more
    than one piece of ice in a fort for half cost, but could
    not be used in multiples on the same piece of ice in the
    same run; the first Olivia would rez the ice, and the
    others would get there too late.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 12/19/96)

Omni Kismet, Ph.D.
   @The Corp can use Omni Kismet, Ph.D.'s special effect after
    the Runner has activated Smarteye to expose a piece of
    ice, switching the exposed ice for a piece of concealed
    ice, which the Runner cannot expose.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)

Omniscience Foundation
   @The effect only occurs if Omniscience Foundation is in play
    at the end of the turn.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L,

Pacifica Regional AI
   @ERRATA  Add to the ability line "Use this ability only
    during your turn."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96) 
    Neither player can use effects to gain actions during
    the other player's turn.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Pattel Antibody
   @If Pattel Antibody has been installed and is accessed from
    a subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to
    take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed
    Trap in response and escape its effects).  (Tom Wylie,
    Pacificon, 9/1/96)
   @You can pay the 3 bits only once each time the Runner
    accesses Pattel Antibody.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Pattel counters are not removed when the Corp forgoes
    actions to remove Virus counters.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
    10/2/96)  According to R&D, the Corp viruses aren't
    removed when the Corp forgoes actions because that text
    isn't on the Corp virus cards.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Remember that the strength of ice and icebreakers does not
    bottom out at 0; it can go negative. For example, if the
    strength of an icebreaker is reduced to less than 0, the
    Runner will indeed have to pay to increase its strength
    to use it on 0-strength ice.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

Pavit Bharat
   @Yes, Pavit Bharat uninstalls himself too.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/13/96)
   @ERRATA  Pavit Bharat should say "Rez Pavit Bharat only
    when Runner has passed the last piece of ice on this fort 
    or declared a run on it when it has no ice."  (Skipper 
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 11/11/98)

Please Don't Choke Anyone
   @When any effect owned by the Corp does preventable damage,
    Please Don't Choke Anyone can prevent that damage to
    gain a PDCA counter (e.g., the Corp could prevent the
    damage done by a Mastiff counter to gain a PDCA
    counter).  (Tom Wylie, 8/26/97)
   @The Runner has the opportunity to prevent damage before
    the Corp can use Please Don't Choke Anyone to prevent
    that damage to gain a PDCA counter.  If the Runner
    prevents it, then it is not successful and no counter is
    given.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 8/26/98)

Power Grid Overload
   @The Corporation chooses the order in which the Runner's
    hardware cards hit the Runner's trash pile.  Any effects
    caused by the trashing of those cards (for example, the
    Runner's having to trash programs due to reduced MU
    after memory chips have been trashed) are handled only
    after all those cards are trashed.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Priority Requisition
   @"At no cost" does not cover additional "above the rez cost"
    costs (cf. Caryatid or Digiconda), since these are not
    part of the rez cost.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96) 
    "At no cost" means you waive the normal bit/action cost
    for whatever the action is, as well as any special costs
    listed in the text; all outside penalties still apply. 
    (Tom Wylie via Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/6/96)

Project Babylon
   @The Runner only scores 1 agenda point for stealing Project
    Babylon, regardless of the number of advancement
    counters on it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)

Project Consultants
   @Yes, you can add all of the advancement counters to the
    same card.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool;
    bits and advancement counters are not the same. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

   @ The trashing effect of Puzzle is triggered because Runner
    has encountered the ice. So even if Puzzle is derezzed at
    the end of run, it 'remember' the fact that it must be
    trashed, and so ends ist days in the Archives. Simply
    derezzing a piece of ice doesn't wipe out any effects that
    would apply to it, even if they're internal effects like
    imploding at end of turn. (Tom Wylie 15/02/00)

Red Herrings
   @If the Runner is using an effect that allows the trashing
    of any card (e.g., Kilroy Was Here), Red Herrings does
    not prohibit a Runner from trashing an agenda.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/27/96)

Remote Facility
   @The action is gained immediately (e.g., if the Corp rezzes
    Remote Facility after its third action, it can take a
    fourth action).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/9/96)
   @If, during the Corp's turn, the Corp trashes Remote
    Facility prior to using the extra action it provides,
    the extra action is lost.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
    6/27/96)  When a card states that you will get an extra
    action per turn, you must declare when you use it.  If
    something trashes a Remote Facility during the Corp's
    turn and the Corp has not declared that it had used the
    Remote Facility's extra action, the action is lost.  In
    'formal' play, it's not assumed that the first action
    taken is the bonus action.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Rent-to-Own Contract
   @The effect ends when the last counter is removed; this
    should be considered errata for Rent-to-Own Contract. 
    (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/13/97)

Research Bunker
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

   @The Corp may purchase as many subroutines as it wishes and
    can afford.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/13/96)

Rio de Janeiro City Grid
   @The Corp still rolls for Rio even if effects allow the
    Runner to pass a piece of ice "automatically" (e.g.,
    Inside Job).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

   @If a 6 is rolled, the Runner ignores Roadblock's
    subroutines.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Roving Submarine
   @ERRATA  "This fort may be run only if you installed a card
    or added an advancement counter to a card inside or on
    this fort during your last turn."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Cards installed during the Runner's last turn (e.g., with
    Pavit Bharat) do not allow the fort to be run.  (JD
    Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/20/96)

Rustbelt HQ Branch
   @If a node that increases the Corp's hand size is trashed,
    the Corp's hand size is reduced immediately, but no
    discards are made until the end of the Corp's turn. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

Security Net Optimization
   @The fort gives the bonus to ice installed on it before and
    after Security Net Optimization is scored.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/18/96)

Security Purge
   @"At no cost" does not cover additional "above the rez cost"
    costs (cf. Caryatid or Digiconda), since these are not
    part of the rez cost.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96) 
    "At no cost" means you waive the normal bit/action cost
    for whatever the action is, as well as any special costs
    listed in the text.  All outside penalties still apply,
    so the Purge still has to account for Restrictive Net
    Zoning and similar cards.  (Tom Wylie via Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/6/96)
   @If the Corp scores Security Purge when there are fewer
    than three cards left in R&D, the Corp shows as many
    cards as there are in R&D to the Runner and fulfills as
    much of the Purge effects as possible; since the effects
    do not require the Corp to "draw" the cards, the Corp
    player cannot lose the game by scoring this agenda. 
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 7/17/98)
   @ Security Purge says 'rez them, at no cost'. 'No cost'
    refers to the number in the upper right corner of a card.
    Security Purge doesn't let you get out of paying Glacier's
    agenda point cost.
    Note that Security Purge instructs you to install and rez
    the ice, which means you have to do so if possible. If there
    are additional costs to install + rez, and you can pay them,
    you have to install + rez and pay those costs. I.e, if
    you've scored any agenda, and Security Purge turns up
    Glacier, you have to install + rez Glacier, and therefore
    spend 1 of your agenda points.(Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

Self Destruct
   @ In order to be used Self Destruct has to be rezzed before
    the Runner decides to access cards. When the Runner accesses
    Self Destruct it can be trashed to use its effect. The
    Runner has to survive the effect before he can trash any
    card in the fort or score any agenda. If a card is trashed
    by Self Destruct it goes to the archieves before the Runner
    can trash or score it. (Sensei 03/11/00)

   @If Setup! has been installed and is accessed from a
    subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to
    take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed
    Trap in response and escape its effects).  (Tom Wylie,
    Pacificon, 9/1/96)

   @The Runner may not choose to jack out, but effects which
    end the run still work.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @If the Runner does not encounter any more ice on the 
    fort, the Runner may not jack out for the remainder of 
    the run.  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 12/11/97)

Simon Francisco
   @ERRATA  Should read "When accessing cards in this data
    fort, access one less card stored in this data fort." 
    The ability is not triggered by accessing Simon. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/11/96)
   @Simon Francisco does not prohibit you from accessing
    installed cards.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

   @Siren can reroute a run that was initially specified as
    being on one fort, but can't route you into making an
    illegal run, such as running on Roving Sub illegally. 
    This means that you will run on the Siren fort
    regardless of what your prep, resource, or program says
    you're going to run on.  (Tom Wylie via Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/6/96)
   @If the Runner plays an effect, such as Custodial Position,
    that allows the Runner some bonus based on a successful
    run on a particular fort, and Siren reroutes that run to
    a different fort, the Runner does not gain the bonus. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Skalderviken SA Beta Test Site
   @See notes on Data Masons.

South African Mining Corp
   @In order to get the benefit of South African Mining Corp,
    you must have three actions immediately available to
    you; actions must be consecutive and they must all be
    spent on the same turn.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/16/96)

Sphinx 2006
   @For notes on morphing ice, see Caryatid.

   @ Sterdroid can double the strength of an ice that is not
    installed on the same fort. (Sensei 03/11/00)

Subsidiary Branch
   @Barring interaction from other cards, the Corporation will
    have four actions per turn for the remainder of the
    game, including during the turn in which Subsidiary
    Branch is scored.   (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Sumo 2008
   @For notes on morphing ice, see Caryatid.

Syd Meyer Superstores
   @ERRATA  "A[ction], trash a piece of rezzed ice Gain 4" 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/6/96)

Systematic Layoffs
   @Yes, you can add both advancement counters to the same
    card.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool;
    bits and advancement counters are not the same. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Team Restructuring
   @When the Corporation plays Team Restructuring, we cannot
    put both advancement counters on one card.  (Netrunner
    FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @The advancement counters do not come from your bit pool;
    bits and advancement counters are not the same. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/7/96)

Theorem Proof
   @ If the Runner chooses to install Theorem Proof as a program
    it is not considered stolen. So you can't play Trojan Horse
    afterwards. (Sensei 03/11/00)
   @ Bizzare Encryption Scheme can not prevent the Runner from
    installing Theorem Proof as a program. But if the Runner does
    not install it and it is still in the fort at the start of
    the next Runner turn the Runner scores Theorem Proof without
    having to install it. (Sensei 03/11/00)

   @If TRAP! has been installed and is accessed from a
    subsidiary data fort, the Corp must rez it for it to
    take effect (as a result, the Runner may activate Speed
    Trap in response and escape its effects).  (Tom Wylie,
    Pacificon, 9/1/96)
   @You can pay the 4 bits only once each time the Runner
    accesses TRAP!  (Sparky on Pattel Antibody, Netrunner-L,

   @See Vortex for Rulings on Deflector Ice.

   @Tutor does not modify itself, unless the Runner encounters
    it again later in the run (cf. Vacuum Link).  (Netrunner
    FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Twisty Passages
   @If an effect (e.g., Rio de Janeiro City Grid) ends the run
    after the Runner has passed Twisty Passages but before
    the Corp deals with the "pay or uninstall" effect, the
    Corp does not have to deal with the effect.  (Tom Wylie
    via Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

Underworld Mole
   @The resource is trashed before the tag is given; if the
    Corp trashes a tag prevention resource (e.g., Fall Guy)
    with Underworld Mole, that resource cannot be used to
    prevent the tag.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/11/97)

Vacuum Link
   @If there aren't enough pieces of ice on the fort, the
    Runner simply returns to the outermost piece of ice.
    This might be Vacuum Link itself.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

Vapor Ops
   @The Corporation can use this special function at the same
    time it can rez a card.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Viral 15
   @The Runner chooses the program(s) to be trashed.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/9/96)

Viral Breeding Ground
   @If Viral Breeding Ground returns a daemon to the Runner's
    hand, the programs installed inside it are trashed;
    there is currently no effect in the game that will
    prevent the trashing of these programs.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @Any advancement counters on Viral Breeding Ground are not
    considered Virus counters; they're just advancement
    counters that happen to be on a Virus card.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Virus Test Site
   @If it is installed and rezzed, Virus Test Site does 2 Net 
    damage per advancement counter on it; if it has no 
    advancement counters on it, it does 1 Net damage.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/23/96)  It must be rezzed to do 2 Net damage 
    per advancement counter; if it has advancement counters, 
    but the Corp chooses not to rez it, it still does 1 Net 
    damage.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

   @ If you are rerouted by a deflector subroutine you can not
    jack out until after the encounter with the ice. If there is
    no ice you may jack out before accessing cards in the fort.
    (Sensei 03/11/00)

Washington, D.C., City Grid
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

Weapons Depot
   @See notes on Artificial Security Directors.

World Domination
   @The Runner only scores 3 agenda points for stealing World
    Domination, regardless of the number of advancement
    counters on it.  (Sparky on Project Babylon,
    Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)


Access through Alpha
   @You must establish a base link value by paying the base
    link cost on whatever gives you link, before you can pay
    to increase the link. You can only use a single source
    for base link, and if that source also allows you to
    increase your link, you may use that source as much as
    you can afford. If you have other means to increase your
    link besides another base link, you may use that as
    well.  (Charles Keith-Stanley, Netrunner-L, (5/3/96)

Access to Arasaka
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Access to Kiribati
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

   @Once a program is installed in a particular place you can't
    move it around.  Programs that are already installed may
    not be placed inside a daemon that comes into play later
    in the game.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)
   @If the Runner has an icebreaker installed in an Imp, and
    the Imp is installed inside an Afreet, the icebreaker's
    strength is only reduced by 1.  When checking for
    penalties, the Runner only checks to see where the
    icebreaker is immediately installed.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @You can install one daemon inside another.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/25/96)
   @If an effect (e.g., Viral Breeding Ground) returns a daemon
    to the Runner's hand, the programs installed inside it
    are trashed; there is currently no effect in the game
    that can prevent this trashing.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @You can't install part of a program in a daemon.  (Skipper 
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/1/98)

AI Boon
   @ERRATA  Change strength from "*" to 0.  Main card text
    should read "At the start of each run, roll a die and
    add the result to AI Boon's strength for that run."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @If you have an AI Boon with Shell counters on it (cf. The
    Shell Traders), you can pay the bits to remove the
    counters and install it in the middle of a run, whenever
    special effects may be used by the Runner.  If you do
    this, AI Boon is considered to have a default strength
    of zero - you only roll for its strength at the start of
    each run.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/6/96)  Remember that
    the Runner cannot react to the Corporation's rezzing of
    an ice card by using his or her own special effects. 
    (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @There is no opportunity to jack out between the time you
    roll the die at the start of the run and the time you
    encounter the first piece of ice installed on the fort. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in HQ.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Arasaka Owns You
   @Playing Arasaka Owns You during a run does not end the run.
     (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/27/96)
   @If you are flatlined by unpreventable damage, you cannot
    play Arasaka Owns You.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/18/96) 
    Any prevention effect is also a condition for play. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 12/2/96)

Arasaka Portable Prototype
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

"Armadillo" Armored Road Home
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @If you make a successful run on R&D using Demolition Run,
    you may not give a Doom counter AND trash the rezzed ice
    on the fort; you must do one or the other.   (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 2/4/97)  If you have more than one "you may
    do A instead of B," then you can do as many or as few
    A's as you like whenever B would have happened. 
    However, if B never would have happened, then you can't
    do any of the A's.  Demolition Run means that you never
    would have accessed cards, so you can't use Armageddon,
    or related effects.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/97)
   @Each time you would access cards, you can use as many
    Armageddons as you like.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 3/11/97)
   @You can give the Corp a Doom counter even if the number of
    cards you would have accessed has been reduced to zero
    or less.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/25/97)
   @Each time the Corp installs a card, each counter produces a
    separate effect, but the Corp must roll dice equal to
    the number of Doom counters in play.  If any 6s are
    rolled, the card is trashed.  For each 6 rolled, the
    Corp removes a Doom counter.  This means that more than
    one Doom counter could be removed with a single
    installation.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,

Artemis 2020
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @When City Surveillance is in play, you don't have to take a
    tag because Aujourd'Oui doesn't say draw.  (Wendy
    Wallace on Ronin Around, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @See N.E.T.O. for Rulings on costs.

Back Door to Hilliard
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Back Door to Orbital Air
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Back Door to Rivals
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.
   @You gain a bit after any successful trace avoidance during
    which Back Door to Rivals was used, even if you would
    have avoided the trace without the link the Back Door
    provided.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Baedeker's Net Map
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Bakdoor [TM]
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Bargain with Viacox
   @On a 6, if the card revealed is a Hidden Resource, reveal
    the card to the Corp, then install it face down. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @On a 6, if the card can't be played (e.g., it is a
    prevention effect with nothing to prevent) or if you
    cannot pay the costs associated with playing the card,
    it stays in your hand; you must pay the costs if you
    can.  You still have to reveal it to the Corp.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @The action gained from Bargain with Viacox may be forgone
    to fulfill a penalty.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

   @If you fail to break a subroutine with Blink, you may use
    another icebreaker to break the subroutine.  (Charles
    Keith-Stanley, Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)  The other
    icebreaker can be another Blink.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @On a 1, 2, or 3, the attempt to break the subroutine fails.
     (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/18/96)
   @You can break subroutines in any order you want.  Any
    unbroken subroutines affect you in the order listed on
    the card.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/20/96)

   @If a Virus program is trashed, any corresponding Virus
    counters stay in play; the Corp will still have to forgo
    three actions to remove their effects.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @Virus counters are given if the run is successful, but not
    until the end of the run.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/6/96)
   @The Corp cannot choose to keep some Virus counters. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)
   @The Corp may forgo actions to remove Virus counters anytime
    that special effects can be used.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 1/29/97)
   @Viruses that say, "Every X counters have this effect," have
    their entire effect all at once, rather than once for
    every X counters the Corp has. In this case, the Corp
    shows you all of the cards at once, so there's no chance
    of seeing the same card over and over again.  (Official
    Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Bodyweight [TM] Data Creche
   @You may make the extra run after a successful run using the
    extra action provided by Wilson, Weeflerunner
    Apprentice; there is no limit on the number of bits you
    can use during the Bodyweight Data Creche run.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/6/96)
   @Since, the bonus run granted by Bodyweight Data Creche
    does not happen in the context of an action, it does not
    occur "during" an action  and is not prohibited by the
    first subroutine on Haunting Inquisition.  This means
    that you could use the bonus run right after a
    (successful) run in which you become Haunted.  (Skipper
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 8/10/98)

   @If you have multiple Brokers out, you can use each one
    during a turn.  Each Broker refers only to itself. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/6/96)

   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.
   @Ice with no subroutines on it (e.g., Hunting Pack as the
    only ice on a fort) can be considered to have had all of
    its subroutines broken.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)

Butcher Boy
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @The cards are trashed from the top of R&D.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/15/96)

Chiba Bank Account
   @Using each Chiba Bank Account is a separate effect, and
    that effect must be completely resolved before any other
    effect can take place.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
   @You can use Chiba Bank Account to pay for installation
    costs.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @When using Chiba Bank Account to install a card or pay for
    an effect, follow this sequence  1) announce the
    card/effect; 2) pay the price (this is when you trash
    Chiba Bank Account); 3) place the card in the
    trash/archives; 4) perform the effect.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @"You may use this ability whenever..." means you can use
    Chiba Bank Account at the specified times in addition to
    the normal times that special effects can be used.  (Tom
    Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @If bits are removed from a Stealth card because the Runner
    uses a Noisy card (and not because they're being spent),
    those bits get replaced at the beginning of the next
    turn.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

   @Ice can have a negative strength.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Clown is cumulative; if a Runner has two copies of Clown
    installed, all ice is encountered with its strength
    reduced by 2.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.

Corolla Speed Chip
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use the bit, replace it from
    the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Crash Everett, Inventive Fixer
   @When City Surveillance is in play, you must take a tag or
    pay [1] for the additional card you draw.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @If you trash the extra card, you can't put it on Microtech
    Backup Drive, because the card is not installed (as
    specified by Microtech Backup Drive).    (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)

Credit Subversion
   @You can only activate one Credit Subversion each run before
    it is no longer "immediately after a successful run on
    HQ."  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/13/97)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Crumble counters allow you to trash upgrades on HQ, 
    as well as cards stored in HQ.  (Skipper Pickle, 
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/97)

Custodial Position
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in R&D.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Death from Above
   @The Corp can rez nodes and upgrades before the run is
    considered successful; for instance, Dr. Dreff can throw
    ice in front of the Runner before the Runner can
    activate Death from Above.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,
   @If you trash cards that you don't see, and you play a card
    that provides a bonus or effect that depends on what
    card was trashed, (cf. On the Fast Track), you can ask
    the Corp if you trashed the appropriate type of card,
    but you may not look at the trashed cards or the
    Archives to verify this.  If necessary, you can ask a
    third party to verify the Corp's answer.  (Tom Wylie via
    JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)
   @When Death From Above meets New Galveston City Grid, the 
    "normal cost to trash" the cards in the fort becomes the 

    cost of DFA's effect, so the Runner must still pay the 
    additional 2 bits per node and other upgrades installed 
    inside the fort.  If the Runner can't pay the cost for ALL 
    of the nodes and other upgrades, the Runner cannot use 
    DFA's effect.  The Runner only has to pay for upgrades or 
    nodes that have been rezzed or exposed.  (Skipper Pickle, 
    Netrunner-L, 11/4/97)

Deep Thought
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.

Demolition Run
   @If you also have Armageddon installed, you may not give a
    Doom counter AND trash the rezzed ice on the fort; you
    must do one or the other (see notes on Armageddon).  (JD
    Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/4/97)

Dermatech Bodyplating
   @ERRATA  Should say "Prevent up to 1 meat damage each
    turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Disgruntled Ice Technician
   @Ice with no subroutines on it (e.g., Hunting Pack as the
    only ice on a fort) can be considered to have had all of
    its subroutines broken.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @You cannot use Disgruntled Ice Technician to derez the ice
    after using Dropp to break the subroutines on that ice. 
    (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/6/97)

   @Ice with no subroutines on it (e.g., Hunting Pack as the
    only ice on a fort) can be considered to have had all of
    its subroutines broken.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @You cannot use Disintegrator to derez the ice after using
    Dropp to break the subroutines on that ice.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 1/6/97)

"Drifter" Mobile Environment
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace
    them from the bank...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @You can use the bits only for tag removal, not for
    activating card effects that result in tag removal
    (e.g., you can't use these bits to activate Nomad
    Allies).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)

Dropp [TM]
   @ERRATA  Should say, "[0] Break all subroutines of a piece
    of ice, and end the run." Delete the rules text "Using
    Dropp ends your run."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @You cannot use Startup Immolator after using Dropp to break
    the subroutines of a piece of ice because Dropp ends the
    run before the Runner can choose to use Startup
    Immolator.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @Dropp ends the run after the Runner finishes the piece of
    ice he or she was encountering when it was used. 
    (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)  The subroutines are
    broken, but the ice is not successfully passed; game
    effects triggered by "passing" ice are not triggered by
    breaking subroutines with Dropp.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Crystal Palace Station Grid will force you to pay an extra
    bit to break each subroutine on a piece of ice; if you
    cannot pay for all of the subroutines, you cannot use
    Dropp to break them.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @You cannot use Pattel's Virus after using Dropp to break
    the subroutines of a piece of ice because Dropp ends the
    run before it can be considered successful.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/30/96)

Edited Shipping Manifests
   @If you want to prevent the tag given by Edited Shipping
    Manifests, you cannot pay for the tag prevention effect
    (e.g., Nasuko Cycle) using the bits from that Edited
    Shipping Manifests.  Since the Runner must process a
    card's effects in order, he or she does not get the ten
    bits until after the tag is given.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @If the run is successful and the Corp has no bits, the
    Runner accesses cards as normal.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Elena Laskova
   @ Each time you play a prep, you can use Elena Laskova,
    unless the prep generates multiple sequential effects (like
    Playful AI). All 'simple effect' (or 'one shot' effect)
    preps are always affected during all the game. The
    unaffected preps would be then Playful AI (only the first
    dice rolled would give one extra bit, if any), misc for Sale
    (only the first card trashed would give 4 bits), Organ Donor
    (only the first card trashed would give 3 bits),
    Reconnaissance (only the first ice rezzed would give 2 bits).
    If you keep cycling the same Organ Donor over and over again,
    Elena Laskova gives one more bit each time you play that
    Organ Donor, etc.(Tom Wylie 11/12/99)
   @ The extra bit has the same restrictions (if any) as the
    base bits, a la Bioweapons Engineering (Cinderella would
    give 3 unpreventable meat damage). Lucidrine Booster Drug
    would give then 10 'Lucidrine' bits, usable only during the
    run. With Hijack, you would get 4 bits, that you would have
    to give back to the bank if not spent. (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

Emergency Self-Construct
   @For the remainder of the game, you lose one of your actions
    each turn; if some effect gives you additional actions
    (e.g, Quest for Cattekin), you would still have the
    benefit of the additional actions.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)  The "three actions per turn,
    instead of four part" refers to your base actions only. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/15/96)
   @Emergency Self-Construct cannot prevent meat damage that is
    marked unpreventable (e.g., Cinderella).  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/10/96)
   @You can't use prevention effects unless you have something
    to prevent, so you can't activate Emergency
    Self-Construct without being flatlined.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/10/96)
   @Each activation of Emergency Self-Construct sets the
    Runner's base actions to 3 per turn.  You can hit the
    ESC key as many times per game as you like, and each
    time your base actions per turn will be set to 3.  (Tom
    Wylie, 8/26/97)

Enterprise, Inc., Shields
   @You can use it multiple times for large lumps of damage,
    but you cannot hold over the damage prevention; each
    source of damage must be paid for separately.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/13/96)

Eurocorpse [TM] Spin Chip
   @The icebreaker inside Eurocorpse Spin Chip has all the
    benefits and drawbacks of any other installed icebreaker
    (e.g., it can be trashed by killer ice subroutines). 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/18/96)

Executive Wiretaps
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in HQ.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Fait Accompli
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Counters of any kind, including virus counters, are not
    sufficient to maintain a subsidiary data fort. When the
    last card in or on the fort is removed, the fort
    collapses.  When that happens, the counters no longer
    exist.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)

False Echo
   @If the Runner activates False Echo and the Corp does not
    rez all of the ice on the fort, a third party can be
    used to verify that the Corp is not able to do so, but
    the Corp is not required to show the ice to the Runner. 
    (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Forged Activation Orders
   @ERRATA  Forged Activation Orders has no effect on a piece
    of rezzed ice; the card should say "Choose an unrezzed
    piece of ice."  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Forward's Legacy
   @There is no opportunity to jack out between the time you
    roll the die at the start of the run and the time you
    approach the first piece of ice installed on the fort. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)

   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.
   @The ability to choose the type of ice that Fubar breaks can
    only be used once during the "lifetime" of the program. 
    (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/14/97)
   @Fubar's ability to select the type of ice that it breaks
    can be used any time an icebreaker can normally be used.
     (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/15/97)

Garbage In
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Garbage In counters allow you to trash upgrades on R&D, 
    as well as cards stored in R&D.  (Skipper Pickle, 
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/97)

"Green Knight" Surge Buffers
   @ERRATA  Should say "Prevents up to 1 Net damage each
    turn."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.

   @You are not required to have Stealth cards in play in order
    to use Noisy cards; losing bits from Stealth cards is a
    penalty, not a cost.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Hell's Run
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use the bit, replace it from
    the bank at the start of your next turn."  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in R&D.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

HQ Interface
   @Multiple HQ Interfaces provide cumulative effects. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in HQ.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

HQ Mole
   @Multiple HQ Moles provide cumulative effects.  (Sparky on
    R&D Interface, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in HQ.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Hunt Club BBS
   @All choices about which and how many cards will be exposed
    are made before any of them are exposed.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)

I Spy
   @Cards in the draw pile of R&D, the HQ hand, and the
    Archives are not installed, thus they are not exposed by
    the Spy counter.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @Counters of any kind, including virus counters, are not
    sufficient to maintain a subsidiary data fort. When the
    last card in or on the fort is removed, the fort
    collapses.  When that happens, the counters no longer
    exist.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @The Spy counter is given as an "end-of-run" effect. 
    (Sparky on Vienna 22 and the Run chart, Netrunner-L,

   @See Afreet for notes on Daemons.

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @The Runner cannot choose to duplicate Virus counters given
    by Corp Virus cards (e.g., Pattel Antibody).  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)
   @The duplicate counter stays in the same location where it
    is duplicated.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/28/97)

   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use the bit, replace it from
    the bank at the start of your next turn."  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @See Cloak for notes on Stealth cards.

   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.

Joan of Arc
   @Joan of Arc can prevent the trashing of Mystery Box, and
    the program will still be installed.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @If you have Joan of Arc in play and you access two Chimeras
    in the same data fort, you access the first Chimera,
    sacrifice Joan in response, then you access the second
    and lose the daemon anyway.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @If a single effect trashes multiple programs (e.g.,
    Experimental AI) and Joan of Arc is chosen first, Joan
    can still prevent the trashing of the other programs;
    prevention effects can be activated prior to the
    consequences of the effect.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @If you trash one or more of your cards to gain a
    benefit, then use Joan of Arc to prevent the card(s)
    from being trashed, you do not gain the benefit (e.g.,
    if you play misc.for-sale to trash programs and gain 3
    bits for each program you trash, you can't use Joan to
    prevent the programs from being trashed, nor could you 
    use Joan to keep an Emergency Self-Construct in play 
    when you activate it) (REVERSEs previous rulings).  
    (Skipper Pickle,Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)

Karl de Veres, Corporate Stooge
   @ERRATA  "Gain 1 bit after each successful run."  The bit
    is gained as an "end-of-run" effect.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/11/96)

Kilroy Was Here
   @You may trash agendas even if an effect prevents you from
    scoring those agendas (e.g., Red Herrings).  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/25/96)

Liberated Savings Account
   @Using each Liberated Savings Account is a separate
    effect, and that effect must be completely resolved
    before any other effect can take place.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
   @You can use Liberated Savings Account to pay for
    installation costs.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @When using Liberated Savings Account to install a card or
    pay for an effect, follow this sequence  1) announce
    the card/effect; 2) pay the price (this is when you
    trash Liberated Savings Account); 3) place the card in
    the trash/archives; 4) perform the effect.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @"You may use this ability whenever..." means you can use
    Liberated Savings Account at the specified times in
    addition to the normal times that special effects can be
    used.  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Lifesaver [TM] Nanosurgeons
   @If some effect prevents the damage (e.g., Shield), you
    cannot use Lifesaver Nanosurgeons to draw cards. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/11/96)
   @The damage must happen DURING one of your last three
    actions; you can't activate the drawing effect of
    Lifesaver Nanosurgeons using damage that occurs between
    actions or as a start-of-turn or end-of-turn effect to
    fulfill the prerequisite condition.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 2/7/97)
   @Lifesaver Nanosurgeons no longer has an erratum that
    inserts the word  "successfully" before the word
    "damaged." (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)

Loan from Chiba
   @If you start the turn with no bits, there is no effect;
    this is a penalty you cannot pay.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @If an effect causes Loan from Chiba to leave play during
    the Corp's turn, you can pay the 10 bits to avoid losing
    the game, since this does not require an action.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @A player can choose the order in which start-of-turn
    effects generated by his or her cards occur; you can
    choose to lose the bit from Loan from Chiba before
    gaining bits from a start-of-turn effect.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/6/96)
   @If you trash Loan from Chiba with misc.for-sale, the bits
    earned cannot be used to pay off the Loan.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 7/15/96)

   @Contrary to Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, if you use Joan of Arc
    to prevent the trashing of Lockjaw, you will not gain
    the benefit of +2 icebreaker strength (REVERSEs a
    previous ruling).  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L,

Lucidrine [TM] Booster Drug
   @You may use the bits from Lucidrine Booster Drug to pay for
    trashing nodes and upgrades accessed during that run. 
    (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)
   @Preps and Operations go to the trash after they're fully
    declared (i.e., after all decisions are made) but before
    they're resolved; Lucidrine Booster Drug goes into the
    trash before any cards trashed as a result of the run
    and before the card you lose to the brain damage caused
    by Lucidrine Booster Drug.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @You don't take the brain damage until after the run is
    complete, so if you score enough agenda to win (or meet
    another winning condition such as trashing Nevinyrral),
    you never suffer the damage.  (Official Netrunner
    Rulings, 4/21/97)

Lucidrine (TM) Drip Feed
   @You only gain one action each turn from Lucidrine Drip
    Feed; the actions do not accumulate.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
   @The action gained from Lucidrine Drip Feed may be forgone
    to fulfill a penalty.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

Microtech Backup Drive
   @Cards placed on Microtech Backup Drive go faceup.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 4/20/96)
   @A program that goes to a Microtech Backup Drive can be
    considered trashed and out of play (REVERSEs a previous
    ruling).  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/28/98)

Microtech 'Trode Set
   @"Ignoring" a subroutine means that you don't even get a
    chance to break it, not that you just ignore its effect.
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

   @misc.for-sale no longer has an erratum that inserts the
    word  "successfully" before the word "trashed."  But you
    still can't get bits from misc.for-sale if you use Joan
    of Arc to prevent programs from being trashed. (Skipper
    Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)

   @Cannot expose ice cards, which are installed on forts, not
    in forts.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Mystery Box
   @Joan of Arc can prevent the trashing of Mystery Box, and
    the new program will still be installed.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/24/96)

   @When City Surveillance is in play, you don't have to take a
    tag because N.E.T.O. doesn't say draw.  (Wendy Wallace
    on Ronin Around, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @ Referring to the rulebook on page 31 (« If a player can't
    meet the cost, or any other requirement stated on the card,
    to perform a function or play a card, the player cannot
    perform that function or play that card »), you must pay for
    the cards. If you cannot pay, you cannot take them into your
    hand. (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

Omnitech Wet Drive
   @ The MU vary dynamically and instantly. With MIT West Tier,
    the Runner's hand is 0 before he DRAWs 5 cards. The MU are 0
    for an moment. (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

On the Fast Track
   @If you trash cards that you don't see (cf. Death from
    Above), and you play On the Fast Track, you can ask the
    Corp if you trashed an Advertisement or Transactions
    card this turn, but you may not look at the cards or the
    Archives to verify this.  If necessary, you can ask a
    third party to verify the Corp's answer.  (Tom Wylie via
    JD Wiker, 3/11/97)

Organ Donor
   @Preps and Operations go to the trash after they're fully
    declared (i.e., after all decisions are made) but before
    they're resolved; Organ Donor goes into the trash before
    any cards are trashed from your hand.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/28/96)

Pandora's Deck
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn." 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for
    using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits
    could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since
    Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to
    increase your link).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

Pattel's Virus
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @You cannot use Pattel's Virus after using Dropp to break
    the subroutines of a piece of ice because Dropp ends the
    run before it can be considered successful.    (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/11/96)
   @Read it like this  "Whenever you make successful run, put
    ONE Pattel counter on ONE piece of ice that had all its
    subroutines broken during that run. Each Pattel counter
    on a piece of ice reduces its strength by 1."   
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/30/96)
   @Ice with no subroutines on it (e.g., Hunting Pack as the
    only ice on a fort) can be considered to have had all of
    its subroutines broken.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)

Pile Driver
   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.
   @Crystal Palace Station Grid will force you to pay an extra
    bit to break each subroutine on a piece of ice.  Since
    you pay to break "up to four" subroutines at a time, you
    can choose to pay only for those subroutines you wish to
    break.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Pirate Broadcast
   @You only get one chance to run each fort; if something
    (e.g., Siren) misdirects you away from a fort, you can't
    run it again.   (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/5/97)

   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of the bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn." 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for
    using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits
    could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since
    Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to
    increase your link).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

   @ERRATA  Should say, "Put [2] from the bank on Poltergeist
    ..." and "If you use any of these bits, replace them
    from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Counters of any kind, including virus counters, are not
    sufficient to maintain a subsidiary data fort. When the
    last card in or on the fort is removed, the fort
    collapses.  When that happens, the counters no longer
    exist.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/28/96)

Prearranged Drop
   @The bits are gained as soon as the agenda is accessed, 
    so the Runner can use these bits to pay trash costs or 
    pay costs for stealing agenda (e.g. Red Herrings).  
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/18/98)

Preying Mantis
   @You have to declare each Preying Mantis one at a time, and
    at the end of the turn you take damage one at a time. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/15/96)
   @The action gained from Preying Mantis may be forgone to
    fulfill a penalty.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)
   @ As I recall, Netrunner operates on the 'destroying the
    source doesn't end the effect' principle. Choosing to use
    Preying Mantis launches an effect that does 2 things :
    immediate action-gain, delayed brain damage.
    (Tom Wylie 11/12/99)

Promises, Promises
   @The Runner scores the additional agenda point as soon 
    as the agenda is accessed, but the Runner cannot win 
    the game until after all cards in the fort are accessed 
    and their effects dealt with (See Sparky's Run Chart).  
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 5/18/98)

Quest for Cattekin
   @If you use a start-of-turn effect to trash Quest for
    Cattekin before activating it, you can't use it; if you
    roll for Quest, you deal with the results before you can
    trash it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/29/96)
   @The action gained from Quest for Cattekin may be forgone to
    fulfill a penalty.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/2/96)

R&D Interface
   @Multiple R&D Interfaces provide cumulative effects. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in R&D.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

R&D Mole
   @Multiple R&D Moles provide cumulative effects.  (Sparky on
    R&D Interface, Netrunner-L, 6/4/96)
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in R&D.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

   @Note that Rabbit reduces the trace limit, not the trace, so
    Rabbit merely limits how much the Corp can spend.
    Barring other effects, the trace value will always be at
    least 0.  (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Ramming Piston
   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.

Raven Microcyb Eagle
   @ERRATA  Should say, "Prevents up to 1 Net damage each
    turn," and "If you use any of these bits, replace them
    from the bank at the start of your next turn." (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

Raven Microcyb Owl
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn."
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @See Cloak for notes on Stealth cards.

Remote Detonator
   @In the case of a misdirected run, the ice trashed is the
    ice on the fort that was accessed (e.g., the Runner runs
    on Archives but accesses cards in HQ; the ice on HQ is
    trashed).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/5/97)

   @ Each time you use the "break an ice subroutine" effect, a
    "trash Rent-I-Con at the end of the run" effect piggybacks
    with it. At the end of the run, all end-of-run effects are
    processed, one at a time. If you use Joan on the first one,
    it won't be there for the next one. (Sensei 03/11/00)

Ronin Around
   @When City Surveillance is in play, you don't have to take a
    tag because Ronin Around doesn't say draw.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @Ronin Around can only expose installed cards.  (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/1/96)
   @See N.E.T.O. for Rulings in costs.

Runner Sensei
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

Rush Hour
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in R&D.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Each Scaldan counter generates a separate start-of-turn
    effect, so the Corp may forgo actions between die rolls.
     (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/28/97)

Scatter Shot
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace
    them from the bank at the start of your next turn." 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

   @Cards in the draw pile of R&D, the HQ hand, and the
    Archives are not installed.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0,

Self-Modifying Code
   @ERRATA  Should say, "You may use this ability during an
    encounter with a piece of ice." (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @You must pay the program's installation cost. (Wendy
    Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)
   @If you can't install the program, it remains in your stack
    (unlike other search cards, it never states, "bring it
    into your hand"); note that MU will never prohibit you
    from installing a program, but sometimes you'll have to
    trash something else in play to do so.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/17/96)

Senatorial Field Trip
   @If the ice is not rezzed, Senatorial Field Trip has no
    effect.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)

Shredder Uplink Protocol
   @With Shredder Uplink Protocol, you access upgrades in HQ. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/12/96)
   @Note that you are treating the run as a successful run on
    HQ for all intents and purposes, not simply accessing
    cards stored in HQ.  (Official Netrunner Rulings,

   @You have to use bits you haven't allocated in the
    trace/link auction.  (Charles Keith-Stanley,
    Netrunner-L, 5/3/96)
   @You can use Signpost even if you do not have a Base Link
    card in play (the Runner always starts with a base link
    of zero).  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Being required to draw additional cards via Skiviss, does
    not use up any of the Corp's normal 3 actions per turn;
    it is a start-of-turn effect.  (Charles Keith-Stanley,
    Netrunner-L, (5/2/96)

   @Each card accessed that deals damage is a separate effect. 
    If you access 10 cards from R&D and they're all Setup!s,
    you'll have to deal with each Setup! as a separate
    effect.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/18/96)

   @If some effect prevents you from jacking out (e.g., Jack
    Attack), you lose the ability granted by Smarteye to
    jack out early.   (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/22/96)
   @The Corp can use Omni Kismet, Ph.D to switch the exposed
    ice for a piece of concealed ice, which the Runner
    cannot expose (since he or she no longer has the
    opportunity to use special effects before the ice is
    rezzed).  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)

Smith's Pawnshop
   @You may only use Smith's Pawnshop's ability once per turn. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/95)

Sneak Preview
   @If you use Sneak Preview to install a program, then later
    trash that program, it will not return to your hand. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/17/96)  If the program ends up
    on a Microtech Backup Drive, or leaves play for any
    other reason, it won't return to your hand.  (Tom Wylie,

Social Engineering
   @The Corp has the right to count the Runner's bits before
    the effect starts, but not once the guessing game
    begins.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/25/96)
   @You must encounter a piece of ice before you pass it.  If
    the Runner chooses an unrezzed piece of ice, the Corp
    has a chance to rez that ice.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,
   @Social Engineering only allows you to pass that piece of 
    ice one time during that run.  (Skipper Pickle, 
    Netrunner-L, 11/4/97)
Speed Trap
   @The run is considered successful if the Runner activates
    Speed Trap after passing the last piece of ice on the
    fort, but the Runner does not access cards.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/13/96)
   @You can only activate Speed Trap in response to the Corp
    rezzing an upgrade or a node.  Ambush agenda (e.g.,
    Marked Accounts) cannot be avoided with Speed Trap. 
    Virus Test Site does not have to be rezzed, even if it
    is installed, so Speed Trap doesn't work against it. 
    When the Runner accesses other Ambush nodes from R&D or
    HQ and the node specifies that it takes effect "even
    when it is not installed" (e.g., Speed Trap or
    Doppelganger Antibody), it cannot be avoided with Speed
    Trap, since the Corp does not rez those cards; however,
    if they are installed, then the Corp does have to rez
    them for their punitive effects to take place, and thus
    Speed Trap can be successfully activated.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/25/96; Tom Wylie, Pacificon, 9/1/96)

Startup Immolator
   @ERRATA  Should say, "Use this ability after passing that
    piece of ice, if you broke all the subroutines of that
    ice."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @You cannot use Startup Immolator after using Dropp to break
    the subroutines of a piece of ice because Dropp ends the
    run before the Runner can choose to use Startup
    Immolator.  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @Contrary to Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, if you use Joan of Arc
    to prevent the trashing of Startup Immolator, the piece
    of ice will not be trashed (REVERSEs a previous ruling).  
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)
   @You can only use Startup Immolator during a run.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/11/96)
   @Ice with no subroutines on it (e.g., Hunting Pack as the
    only ice on a fort) can be considered to have had all of
    its subroutines broken.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)

Subliminal Corruption
   @It's not legal to trash something that's already in the
    Archives, so you can't give the Corp bad publicity for
    advertisements that are already in the Archives. 
    (Official Netrunner Rulings, 4/21/97)

Submarine Uplink
   @ERRATA  Should say, "Submarine Uplink ends your run after
    the current encounter."  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.
   @If you use Submarine Uplink, the run isn't over until the
    encounter with the current piece of ice ends. You still
    have to deal with all the other subroutines on the ice.
    Whether you successfully pass the ice depends on what
    happens with the rest of the subroutines, (i.e., using
    the Uplink doesn't stop you from having an encounter end
    in "successfully passed," but doesn't automatically mean
    that, either).  (Tom Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L,

   @See Afreet for notes on Daemons.

Sunburst Cranial Interface
   @See Cloak for notes on Stealth cards.

   @ You cannot use Superglue to derez the ice after using Dropp
    to break the subroutines on that ice.  We should have used the 
    Disintegrate template rather than the old Dropp one. Treat like 
    Dropp and Disintegrate.(Tom Wylie, 12/21/99)

Swiss Bank Account
   @Using each Swiss Bank Account is a separate effect, and
    that effect must be completely resolved before any other
    effect can take place.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/27/96)
   @You can use Swiss Bank Account to pay for installation
    costs.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @When using Swiss Bank Account to install a card or pay for
    an effect, follow this sequence  1) announce the
    card/effect; 2) pay the price (this is when you trash
    Swiss Bank Account); 3) place the card in the
    trash/archives; 4) perform the effect.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @"You may use this ability whenever..." means you can use
    Swiss Bank Account at the specified times in addition to
    the normal times that special effects can be used.  (Tom
    Wylie via JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 3/11/96)

Synchronized Attack on HQ
   @Each card for which the Corp pays 2 bits is no longer
    available to be discarded.  Essentially, effects that
    force the Corp's discards to be random (e.g., Cockroach)
    are worthless when combined with Synchronized Attack. 
    (Tom Wylie via Sparky, Netrunner-L, 8/7/96)
   @Unofficial Errata Sparky says, "To make the function of
    [Synchronized Attack on HQ] more clear, we're
    CONSIDERING  'For each card stored in HQ, Corp either
    pays[2] or discards that card.'  This better explains
    why the card interacts the way it does with discard
    modifiers, like Cockroach counters."  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 8/9/96)

   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.

Techtronica [TM] Utility Suit
   @ERRATA  Should say, "Put [5] from the bank on Techtronica
    Utility Suit ..." and "If you use any of these bits,
    replace them from the bank at the start of your next
    turn." Should say "Prevents up to 1 meat damage each
    turn"  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @These bits cannot be used for SETTING a base link--only for
    using effects that modify a base link (e.g., these bits
    could not be used to pay for Access through Alpha, since
    Alpha only sets a base link, but does not allow you to
    increase your link).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 6/26/97)

The Deck
   @See Access through Alpha for notes on base links.

The Shell Traders
   @ERRATA  "A Choose a program or hardware card from your
    hand. Set that card aside face up, and put a number of
    Shell counters on it equal to its installation cost. 
    When the last Shell counter on that card has been
    removed, install that card, at no cost.
    "1 Remove one Shell counter from a card.
    "Remove one Shell counter from one card at the start of 
    each of your turns."(Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @The removal of a Shell counter at the start of a turn is
    mandatory.  (Wendy Wallace, Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)
   @When the last Shell counter is removed, the program or
    hardware must be installed.  (Wendy Wallace,
    Netrunner-L, 5/2/96)
   @You can pay to remove Shell counters and install cards set
    aside by The Shell Traders in the middle of a run,
    whenever special effects may be used by the Runner. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/6/96)  Remember that the Runner
    cannot react to the Corporation's rezzing of an ice card
    by using his or her own special effects.  (Netrunner FAQ
    v.1.0, 5/22/96)
   @At the start of a turn, each copy of The Shell Traders can
    remove one counter from any one card that has them. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @If Shell Traders is removed from play, any cards with Shell
    counters on them remain 'in limbo' and can have their
    counters removed by subsequent copies of Shell Traders. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @"At no cost" means the regular bit cost of a card.  If a
    card states that it has additional installation costs,
    you must pay them.  If another card indicates that
    additional costs must be paid to install the card being
    processed by Shell Traders, you must pay that cost. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @If you remove the last counter from a program and don't
    have any free MU, you MUST overwrite an existing
    program.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @If you remove the last counter from a card that has
    additional costs to install and you have those
    resources, you MUST spend them and install the card.
   @If you CANNOT pay the additional costs, you lose the
    opportunity to install that card, and it slips into
    limbo permanently; remove it from the game.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 5/19/96)
   @You cannot activate Shell Traders in response to the Corp's
    trashing it.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 7/30/96)

The Springboard
   @You have to use bits you haven't allocated in the
    trace/link auction.  (Charles Keith-Stanley,
    Netrunner-L, 5/3/96)
   @You can use The Springboard even if you do not have a Base
    Link card in play (the Runner always starts with a base
    link of zero).  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Time to Collect
   @Time to Collect can be used to prevent the trashing of a
    resource being trashed by Corporate Detective Agency,
    even if Time to Collect is also being trashed.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 11/11/96)
   @If you use a Time to Collect to prevent a cost from
    being paid, you prevent that cost's effect from being
    played (REVERSEs a previous ruling).  (Skipper Pickle,
    Netrunner-L, 9/29/98)

Total Genetic Retrofit
   @If multiple Total Genetic Retrofits are played, their
    effects are cumulative (i.e., if you play two Retrofits,
    you avoid your next two tags) (REVERSEs a previous
    ruling).  (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 9/30/98)

Valu-Pak Software Bundle
   @You get 5 actions and 1 bit, not 5 actions and 1 bit per
    action.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/18/96)
   @You must use the actions you gain from Valu-Pak Software
    Bundle before any other action or forfeit them.  (JD Wiker,
    Netrunner-L, 12/16/96)
   @The bit must be spent "during" one of the actions gained
    from Valu-Pak Software Bundle--you cannot use it on
    special effects that occur between those actions.
    (Skipper Pickle, Netrunner-L, 10/4/98)

Vewy Vewy Quiet
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace
    them from the bank...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)
   @See Cloak for notes on Stealth cards.

Vienna 22
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @The additional cards accessed do not include cards
    installed in HQ.  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 1/3/97)

Viral Pipeline
   @For notes on Virus programs, see Boardwalk.
   @Forgoing an action due to a Pipe counter is a start-of-turn
    effect.  A player may choose the order in which his or
    her start-of-turn effects occur.  The Corp may forgo
    actions to remove Virus counters before forgoing actions
    to Pipe counters, and thus avoid the effects of Pipe
    counters.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 9/5/96)
   @Remember that the Runner uses special effects first; then
    the Corp gets to use special effects.  This means that
    if at any point the Corp has 3 appropriate Socket
    counters, the Runner will be able to give the Pipe
    counter before the Corp can forgo actions to remove
    Virus counters (this is important if the Runner has Code
    Viral Cache installed).  (JD Wiker, Netrunner-L, 2/4/97)

Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice
   @Wilson's ability allows you to make a run, not to use a
    prep card or the special function of another card. 
    (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 6/6/96)
   @After declaring the end of his or her turn, the Runner
    cannot declare the use of the extra Wilson run in
    response to the Corp rezzing a card or using a special
    effect; the Runner gets to use special effects first,
    and the Corp gets to use them second.  (Sparky,
    Netrunner-L, 6/12/96)
   @The action gained from Wilson, Weeflerunner Apprentice may
    be forgone to fulfill a penalty.  (Sparky, Netrunner-L,

Wired Switchboard
   @You can use Wired Switchboard even if you do not have a
    Base Link card in play (the Runner always starts with a
    base link of zero).  (Netrunner FAQ v.1.0, 5/22/96)

Wrecking Ball
   @See Hammer for notes on Noisy cards.

Zetatech Software Installer
   @ERRATA  Should say, "Put [2] from the bank on Software
    Installer ..." and "If you use any of these bits,
    replace them from the bank at the start of your next
    turn." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

ZZ22 Speed Chip
   @ERRATA  Should say, "If you use any of these bits, replace
    them from the bank...." (Sparky, Netrunner-L, 10/11/96)

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