Netrunner DCI Floor Rules

Netrunner DCI Floor Rules
1999-2000 Tournament Season
Updated March 21, 2000



The Netrunner DCI Floor Rules work in conjunction with the DCI
Universal Tournament Rules, DCI Penalty Guidelines, and Netrunner
game rules. Players, spectators, and tournament officials must
follow these documents while involved with DCI-sanctioned 
Netrunner tournaments. Individuals who violate sections of these 
documents will be subject to the appropriate provisions of the 
DCI Penalty Guidelines.

Note: Please see appendix B of the DCI Universal Tournament Rules
for definitions of terms in this document.

800. General Netrunner Tournament Rules

801. Format and Rating Categories

The DCI sanctions the following formats; they may be sanctioned 
as singles events or two-person team events.

Constructed Formats:
- Standard

Limited Formats:
- Sealed Deck
- Booster Draft
- Rochester Draft

The DCI produces the following ratings categories:
- Constructed (includes the Standard format)
- Limited (includes the Sealed Deck and Booster Draft 

802. Authorized Cards

All Netrunner cards produced by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. are 
permitted in sanctioned tournaments.


803. Card Interpretation

All Netrunner cards are interpreted using the appropriate card 
ruling section of the Netrunner Oracle card reference. During 
sanctioned competition, players must refer to this version of a 
card to settle disputes concerning the interpretation of a card's
wording or powers.

Players may not use previously or newly discovered errors or 
omissions in the Netrunner Oracle to disrupt a tournament or 
otherwise abuse the rules. The head judge is the final authority 
for all card interpretations, and he or she may overrule the 
Oracle when a mistake or error is discovered.


804. New Releases

New Netrunner card sets (new expansions or new editions of the 
basic set) released during the first fifteen days of a month are 
allowed in Constructed tournament play on the first day of the 
month following their retail release date. Card sets released 
after the first fifteen days of a month are allowed in 
Constructed tournament play on the first day of the second month 
following their release date. Therefore, card sets always enter 
Constructed tournament play two to five weeks after their retail 
release date, on the first day of the month. DCI announcements 
confirm the exact date that each new card set enters tournament 
play before the set is released. 

New card sets are allowed in Limited tournament play immediately,
including before the release date (for example, at a prerelease 

810. Netrunner Tournament Mechanics

811. Match Structure

Each match is played with players alternating between Corp and 

812. Match Time Limits

There is a 90-minute time limit for each match, with halftime 
taking place 45 minutes into the match. Players switch between 
Corp and Runner at halftime.


813. Pre-Match Procedure

The following steps must be performed, in order, before each 
match begins.

1. The winner of a coin toss (or other random method) 
chooses either to play Corp or Runner first.


814. Pre-Game Procedure

The following steps must be performed, in order, before each game

1. Players shuffle their decks (see the Universal Tournament
   Rules, section 21).
2. Players present their decks to their opponents (for 
   additional shuffling and cutting, if desired).
3. If the opponent has shuffled the player's deck, that 
   player may make one final cut.
4. Each player marks his or her bit pool with five bits.
5. Each player draws five cards.


815. End of Game Procedure

If the game time limit is reached before a winner is determined, 
the active player finishes his or her turn and three additional 
turns are played.


816. Scoring Point Types

There are two different ways of scoring points in Netrunner 

Game points are awarded for winning games, or scoring agenda 

Tournament points are awarded based on the number of games and 
matches won. 


817. Determining a Match Winner

A player receives 10 game points for winning a game. The losing 
player receives a number of game points equal to the agenda 
points scored.

In the event of an incomplete game, each player scores game 
points equal to the number of agenda points scored.

A player receives 2 tournament points for each game he or she has
won in a match. Each player receives 1 tournament point for an 
incomplete game.

The player who wins both games in a match is the winner of the 
match. If one game is incomplete when the match ends, the winner 
of the match is the winner of the complete game. If each player 
wins one game, or no game was completed during the match, the 
player with the higher game point total is the winner of the 

The winner of the match receives 2 additional tournament point. 
If no winner can be determined (both players have the same number
of game points) each player receives 1 additional tournament 


818. Determining the Tournament Winner

The tournament winner is the player with the most tournament 
points at the end of the final round.

If two or more players are tied for the most tournament points 
the following tiebreakers must be used (in this order):

1. Opponents' tournament points total
2. Players' game points total
3. Players' game points against total


820. Rules for Constructed Tournaments

821. Deck-Size Limits

Constructed decks must contain a minimum of forty-five cards. 
There is no maximum deck size. Corp decks must contain the 
minimum number of agenda points required by the Netrunner game 


822. Sideboard Use

Sideboards are not used in Netrunner tournaments.


823. Standard-Format Deck Construction

The following card sets are permitted in Standard tournaments (as
of January 1, 2000):

        Netrunner Limited Edition base set

The following cards are banned in Standard tournaments:

        Tycho Extension
        Enterprise Inc Shields


830. Rules for Limited Tournaments

831. Deck-Size Limits

Limited decks must be a minimum of forty-five cards. There is no 
maximum deck size. Corp decks must contain the minimum number of 
agenda points required by the Netrunner game rules. 


832. Sideboard Use

All of the cards a player is not using in his or her main deck 
become the sideboard.


833. Materials Provided

Tournament organizers and/ or the head judge may choose to 
provide vital cards for players to use during the tournament. If 
the organizer provides vital cards, he or she must make available
the same amount of vital cards to each player.


834. Rules for Sealed Deck Tournaments

For rules for sealed deck tournaments see the Universal 
Tournament Rules section 65 to 67.


835. Rules for Draft Tournaments

For rules for draft tournaments see the Universal Tournament 
Rules section 70 to 78.


840. Rules for Team Tournaments

841. General Team Requirements

Each individual team must have unique team-specific information, 

- Team Name
- Team city, state/ province, country
- Team members (and their respective DCI membership numbers)


842. Team Names

Wizards of the Coast reserves the right to disallow any team name
that it deems offensive and/ or obscene. Tournament organizers 
and certified head judges should discourage teams from 
registering team names that may be considered offensive and/ or 


843. Team Composition and Identification

A valid team consists of two members. A team is identified by the
individual DCI membership numbers of its respective members. 
Individual DCI members may be members of more than one valid 


844. Valid Team Participation

Sanctioned team tournaments are open to teams consisting of two 
members. Only valid teams of the appropriate size are eligible 
for a sanctioned team tournament. If a player drops or is 
disqualified from the event, the entire team is dropped from the 

Each team entering a sanctioned team tournament must provide the 
tournament organizer with its team-specific information (see 
section 841) when registering for the event. Failure to provide 
this information will result in the team's disqualification from 
the tournament.


845. Team Constructed Tournaments

Event results for each DCI-approved Constructed format (Standard)
are handled separately for each player and are not merged to a 
team ranking.

846. Team Limited Tournaments

Event results for each DCI-approved Limited format (Sealed Deck, 
Booster Draft, or Rochester Draft) are handled separately for 
each player and are not merged to a team ranking.


Netrunner is a registered trademark of R. Talsorian Games, Inc. 
and used under license. Wizards of the Coast, Proteus, Classic, 
and DCI are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (C)1999 

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