This year at Gen Con Indy, you can jack in and start your run at the Android: Netrunner Icebreaker tournament!
Android: Netrunner is an asymmetrical Living Card Game™ for two players set in the cyberpunk future of Android.
Originally designed by Richard Garfield and released in 1996, Netrunner is making its dramatic return! Now, players can look forward to picking up their copies of the Android: Netrunner Core Set at the Fantasy Flight Games booth in the exhibition hall. We’ll have the Core Set available from the moment the convention kicks off until we sell out.
On Saturday, players can jump right into the middle of the action with our Icebreaker tournament!
Android: Netrunner Icebreaker Tournament

Players looking to participate in the Icebreaker tournament need to bring both corp and runner decks. Match rounds last sixty-five minutes, and you and your opponent play two games, taking turns playing corp and runner decks. The player who scores more total points over both games wins the match.
You can look for full details to follow, including the official Android: Netrunner tournament rules, which we’ll announce in a future article. We will also post them on the game’s support page.
Plan Your Run. Boot Your System.
If the great response to our announcement of Android: Netrunner is any indication, players planning to break the ice in this inaugural Android: Netrunner tournament should be sure to pick up their copies of the Core Set as soon as possible Thursday morning.
If you’re a fan of card games, cyberpunk, bluffing, the dystopian Android universe, or Richard Garfield’s game design, you will want to be among the first to visit Fantasy Flight Games’ booth in the exhibit hall on Thurdsay!
In the meantime, keep checking back for more previews of Android: Netrunner, the futuristic game of megacorps, runners, and cybercrime!